There are many types of skincare creams, lotions and anti wrinkle creams on the market that are grouped into a segment called anti-aging products. Most of these products try to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles or eliminate the formation of them altogether. While the former is genuinely possible by many products on the market, the latter is almost certainly impossible. What is possible however, is that there are methods of slowing the formation of wrinkles in certain cases.
Anti wrinkle products by formulation, generally fall into several different categories:
1. Moisturizers – Most cream or lotion based products do a pretty good job of reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by topically adding moisture to the skin. But as common sense will tell you, this wrinkle reducing strategy is far from permanent and needs to be repeated daily if not repeatedly during a 24 hour period. Moisturizers will not reverse or prohibit the formation of wrinkles.
2. Collagen and Amino Acid based products – These types of products aim at what is called “cell renewal” in order to enhance better growth and elasticity of the skin. While scientifically proven to be true, the studies that have shown the best results, say this method reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by only 10% or less. 10% or less is really not even visible to the human eye.
3. Hydroxy Acid products– These products try to help exfoliate the skin. The theory is that where dead skin cells are removed, new skin cells will grow faster and replace the old ones which creates more youthful looking skin. But again, a temporary fix at best.
In summary: The only semi permanent methods of truly eliminating or reducing wrinkles, are using invasive techniques such as cosmetic surgery or Botox injections. All other methods that include applying topical solutions are even more temporary and require repeated applications. However, there are definitely varying degrees of just how temporary some of these products are! Many people find the products that produce the best of these temporary results, without having to resort to surgery, are well worth the money they are willing to spend on them.
Instantly Ageless® Facelift in a Box does not require a prescription, and is comprised of cosmetically approved ingredients. Before your eyes, you can watch your wrinkles fade away, your puffy eyes disappear and your pores diminish in just minutes!